Study Trips

Studiz's system for administering study trips ensures minimal resource consumption and gives organizers a full overview.

Key features

Our system efficiently addresses classic trip administration challenges, ensuring smooth operations from start to finish. Via Studiz payment terms, both the institution and its students are guaranteed the best and cheapest payment method on the market.

Payment Management:

Optimal payment terms: Our payment terms guarantee the best and most cost-effective payment method for both institutions and students.

Flexible payment rates: Create mandatory and extra payment rates, as well as individualized ones for specific students, ensuring flexibility and fairness.

Participant Management:

  • Class/elective specification: Opportunity to specify which class/team should have access to the individual study trip.
  • Terms approval: Creating Terms page, which requires students approving guidelines upon registration.
  • Teacher assignment: Employees can be assigned to the study trip for either overview or administration rights.
  • Individuel rates: Create individual payment rates to specific students.
  • Not convinced yet?

    Export functionality: Possibility to export payment overview as well as participant list as PDF or Excel file.

    Flexible payment flow: Payment flow as you desire - Studiz system can transfer money to the institution after deadline or upon request.

    Automated reminders: The system send out reminders to both participants (students) and employees (administration staff and responsible teachers).

    Paymentlink: Students have the option of forwarding the link for payment (if, for example, mother has to pay the 1st installment and father the 2nd installment).

    Want to discuss joining the institution platform?

    If you're interested in learning more about how Studiz can innovate your institution processes, please fill out the contact form.

    Our team will be happy to provide you with additional information and discuss how we can tailor Studiz solutions to meet your specific needs.

    You can also contact us by phone or e-mail: