12 recipes to kickstart your healthy New Year resolutions

Gry Lauridsen 30/11-2017

Are your New Year resolutions about weight loss and more exercising?


This month is all about health and we feel very inspired by the Danish food blogger behind ‘Helene’s Healthy Kitchen’.


We've made it easy for you and give you here 12 of her best and most popular recipes.


The woman behind Helenes Sunde Køkken

Helene Sprogøe, 29, nutrition assistent.

Blog: www.helenesprogoe.dk

Instagram: www.instagram.com/helenes_sunde_koekken


What does healthy diet and exercise mean to you?

Healthy diet and exercise means a big part to me. I love to feel the difference it makes to my body. When I exercise and eat healthy I get a lot of energy, and when I don’t, I feel tired and lazy instead.

How do you maintain your motivation?

I love my workouts. Since my husband and I got divorced, I started doing Crossfit, and I really love it. It motivates me to see and feel how it positively affects my body, but the social aspect also keeps me motivated.

What are your best tips for exercising and eating healthier?

  • Find something that can keep you going
  • Make sure you have a lot of different vegetables in the fridge.
  • Make some easy dishes that do not take so long to cook.

What got you started with your 'healthy kitchen'? I made 'Helenes Healthy Kitchen' because I found out people were really interested in my recipes. I love making dishes with a lot of greens - and I'd like to inspire people to do that as well.




The breakfast is said to be the most important meal of the day. A good and mellow meal is your best chance to have energy for the day. We have chosen three of Helene's recipes for a healthy breakfast that keeps you saturated:




Get ahead of next day’s lunch and bring leftovers to school or work. You can also make lunch for several days at a time. Make a big portion of sausage rolls or make a large pie. It saves you time and you do't have to make lunch every day. It also makes it eaiser to vary and twist your lunch a little more.

Here’s three ideas on easy dishes that gives you food for several days:




End the day with a nice and nutritious meal. Make large portions, so you can enjoy leftovers the next day. Homemade pita bread can advantageously be made and be frozen for later use. Pies and pasta dishes are excellent for lunch and such on the following day.




Do you want healthier choices to the usual weekend snacks?

Helene has a lot of recipes on healthier alternatives. One of her most popular interpretations is the “Kinder Milk-Slice”, which most of us know from our childhood. In addition, she’s also known for her baking and homemade bars:


The app ‘Helenes Healthy Kitchen’ can be purchased here - and several free recipes can be found on her blog.


Good luck in the kitchen!

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